Sunday, 19 September 2021

52 Weeks Of Carving - quotation

For awhile now I'd had an idea for a bit of written carving I wanted to make for a friend. 

I am not a religious person, but he is, and he once said this phrase to me and it really stuck with me. So I thought I'd carve it out so he could mount it on his wall. 

I gave it him as a surprise and he seemed really pleased with it. It felt nice to give and unexpected gift. 

Carved in Oak all by hand.


  1. Love the carving - just beautiful - and the expression suits someone of action who wants to make change for good in this world. Super gift.

    1. Thank you. It was something that had been in my head so long I just had to get it down!

  2. Everyone loves a gift, but a hand carved gift, it's fantastic.

    1. Thank you! It was a nice project to carve. I started it along side my daughter as she wanted to do some carving with me last Sunday. It's lovely then as a project can stay out and I can carve when I have a few minutes spare.


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