Monday, 22 April 2013

Log Store

A friend has been asking me for weeks to come and help him build a log store against his fence. I finally found time this weekend so managed to get it done.
Frame work up
 It's a simple construction with three 4x4 posts concreted into the ground. They're notched to support the top rail then braced to stop it from moving. The back support is fixed into the rail for the fence on the other side, we also left this long and fixed it to two large fence posts to give it extra support.
For the roof I cut rafters then we clad it with ply before adding the battens to take the slates. Maybe a little over kill but at least we know its plenty strong enough and wont move.

Roof on and posts concreted
This is ideally suited infront of the house and when he clads the sides it will make a great a place to store his timber. He wanted it building at this time of year because he likes to buy firewood split but unseasoned and seasons it himself as it works out cheaper.
Slatted and looking quite smart
I know he was pleased with it becuase the next day he text me a picture of the store with the slates on looking rather smart!
I could do with something like this at my house!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Bench Hook

Some times a project doesn't have to be complicated to be really useful.
 This is a bench hook for cutting vinyl tiles that my sister uses in surface printing.
I made it years ago and it's nice to see her still using it, even though it was just made with some off cuts and a spare 5 minutes.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Oak Flooring

We finished laying some oak flooring in the small downstairs cloakroom this week.
 The flooring is an engineered board with solid oak on the top and bottom and pine (grain running in the other direction) in between these two layers. It was easy to lay, although I'm not a big fan of the adhesive we used as it's like trying to work with treacle! It's still all over my hammer and anything else that got near it!
Other than that the floor can be treated like any other solid oak floor, the top layer of oak is thick enough to be sanded and it will take any finish that's required. It was a top grade of oak so it contained very few knots or blemishes and looked great as we put it down.
The week before we also finished laying the floor in the kitchen, as the units are being fitted over the next couple of weeks.
I'll post more pictures of the finished floor at a later date.
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