Sunday, 1 March 2015

Fitted Oak Cabinets

Last night I completed fitting some oak cabinets. The customers were really pleased with the results and so was I! 
The finished job
The spaces to fill at the start

The left hand-side space, pieps run down the one wall making fixing tricky

They wanted a floating oak mantle piece like the one I fitted for myself last year

the mantle piece with template behind

Fitting the ply template to hold the bolts

Using resin to fix the bolts and make sure they're stuck out the right distance

Template and mantle on the front to make sure the bolts are aligned. 

Mantle piece fixed on

The only fixing holes, to be filled with an oak plug later
Building the cupboards

The top of the left hand cupboard with extra support where the TV is to stand

The pipe work at the back of the right hand cupboard to hide but leave accessible

An oak back fitted in

The cupboard ready for the door, this one is to store their firewood and the little shelf is to hold their stuff for lighting the fire

All ready for the doors

Simple panel doors fitted 

The smaller unit with a pair of doors

All complete ready for some oil

Oiled up

The finished job.
I was really pleased with how this job turned out. 
I've put in some late nights planeing, gluing up boards and making doors.  It can be tricky to fit in work around looking after the children full time but I think I manage to get a good balance and interesting jobs like this maek it really worth while.
The customers told me to put on my website that "It was worth every penny". Made me feel really pleased with the work I'd done.
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