Monday, 31 December 2012

Karesuando Bushcraft Knife

My wife was struggling with what to buy me for Christmas this year so I asked for a good bush craft knife. I got a 4" Karesuando Boar knife, I asked for this one as it's not too expensive, has a good quality blade and should last me a long time for camping, hunting, whittling, etc.
Karesuando Boar Knife
The only downside to this knife is the fact it's been sharpened with a slight micro bevel . I decided to touch up the edge myself (in a break in the rain) using a water stone, something I've never used before - I'm more of an oil stone man!
New sharpening method to try
 I bought this water stone about 3 years ago and I've never got round to trying it so I though this would be the perfect thing to test it on. I only used the fine side of the stone (1000 grit) as it didn't need reshaping just continuing the main bevel to a point.
Using the whetstone
 The stone worked well and produced a polished edge, double sided tools are always much harden to sharpen than double edged and it took me quite a while, I could probably do with an even finer stone to get a sharper edge.
birch polypore strop 
 I stropped it using a little strop my brother made for me a few years ago out of birch polypore fungus.
A well balanced knife
I'm look forward to using this knife and with a bush craft course coming up it won't be long until I do.
Hope everyone has a good new year!


  1. Nice knife Kev , have a healthy and happy new year :)

    1. Cheers Brian! And to you and your family to!

  2. Replies
    1. Cheer Gorges, I'm looking forward to using it. I might have to go shooting this week to give myself an excuse!

  3. Looks like you had a great Christmas, Kev!

  4. This blog is brilliant!

    A bloke with your skills could earn a fortune in Angola. The trouble we have here is that they don't know how to season wood so you are always working with the green stuff.

    There are hard woods here you would adore. The sort of stuff that in UK they sell by the cubic inch. Here they use it for scaffolding. Eucalyptus is a wonderful dense wood and ages beautifully and sells here, rough cut, for US$300 per cubic metre.

    I saw that programme ages ago called 'Around the World in 80 Trades' and one of those trades was a load of South or Central American timber. I could fill up container loads of timber and send it to you but it would never get into the EU because it wouldn't have the touchy feely, yoghurt knitting, tree hugging, green sustainable source rating. So, since there is no market for it, there is no incentive to develop the industry and they use it for scaffolding or charcoal.

    You see the table you are using as a work surface? Here that would cost at least US$400 and those wooden chairs? $150 a piece. And, ironically with all the natural timber we have here, they would be cheap-as-chips, flimsy Chinese imports.

    Now that I know I have a real woodworking craftsman following my blog, I will start posting some decent photographs of my new house and shop (STILL under construction, they've only been at it ten months) and you can see what 'craftsmanship' you would be up against here.

    I showed my girlfriend the photos on your blog and she has instructed me to take my laptop to the site tomorrow and show our carpenters. Actually, she burst out with, 'THAT'S what I f*****g mean! Show this to those w*****s on site!'

    There's an Angolan crew who are going to love you in the morning!


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