Sunday, 27 January 2013

Axe WorkShop

I've just come back from a great weekend away camping up in a wood in staffordshire learning how to use axes. It was snowing when we got there but that only added to the fun!
We also made charcoal over the weekend and you can read about that here.
A very snowy tent
First lesson - learning not to embed the axe in your leg - an important lesson!

Splitting wood safely

Chopping down some small trees that needed to be removed

Learning to tie faggots using a woodmans clamp

Base camp for the weekend

Jonny showing a method of sharpening an axe

A extra safe and precise way of splitting wood - good for blanks for tent pegs

Some rough tent pegs

Dan making a mallet

Some spoon carving lessons

A rough shaped mallet
The group stood with our measured "cord" of wood
It was a great weekend, I learnt some new skills and practised old one. I also got to spend quality time with my brother doing what we both love.
This was our second axe course (find a link to our first one here) run by different firms and they were for completely different things so it would be unfair to compare the two. This one was from a bush craft point of view where the other was more to practise the traditional skills of the men that used to fell trees with axes for a living. 
This was our third course with Survival school and we weren't disappointed. It was nice to be outside and dedicate yourself to learning bush craft skills for the weekend with no other distractions. Going back to basics is great fun and although some of the things you can make straight off the axe are a little rough round the edges its a great skill to develop and learn and one I hope I'll be using more in the future (even if it's just to split fire wood) and I'll use the knowledge I've picked up to help me. The instructor were great making the whole weekend fun as well as some good company from the other students. I love weekends like this!


  1. My one luxury on desert island discs would be an axe!

    1. Depends how many trees were on this island!

  2. Awesome post, Kev! I think that mallet would be a great technique to try out. I also like the way you made the charcoal. It looked like a great weekend, I am full of envy!

    1. Yeah the mallet is simple but useful. No worse to use than one I've turned on the lathe.

  3. The mallet would also be quite handy if one were attacked by clowns.

    1. I've never been attacked by them although I do feel surrounded by them at times...


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