Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Making 4 Panel 1950's Doors

I'm managing to find a bit of time to work on the extension at the moment, One thing I wanted to do was to make some doors for the up stairs. 

Now it would be far easier to buy off the shelf ones but I decided that I'd like to have some 1950's door to match the age of the house. I'm not a purest when it comes to these sort of things but I've always liked these utilitarian style of door. Making them myself means they won't cost much money but take a bit of time! 
 I ordered the joinery time on the phone, a little pile like this is enough to make six doors and a few other bits and bobs.

 All planned up, creates a lot of shavings!
 I made the first door on it's own, which gave me chance to make a rod to make marking up the the rest of them quick and easy.
 There is also a cupboard door that is an odd size, built int eh same style it looks quite cool I think!
I used Festool domino joinery to make these doors, which is loose tennons you glue into both sides of the wood.
 This meant I could batch cut all the mortises in one go.
Having a few routers helps on a job like this! It means I don't have to change bit and reset it every five minutes! 
 I assembled the doors in the extension, I have a bit of space in there to work!

 The door assembled and sanded down - the ply panels are from two sheets! Can you tell?
Six doors made in total, including the cupboard door.

First coat of paint on the door - Two undercoats then a satin wood to finish. I'm really excited to get these hung this weekend! I think they're going to look pretty smart!

What do you think?

Do you like this style door?


  1. Great post, I look forward to seeing them hung. Can t wait for some more posts. Have you thought about a workshop tour. Ashley

    1. You wouldn't want to see my workshop at the moment! Far too messy!


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