Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Stealth Mounts Battery Clip Review

My workshop isn't huge so every bit of space I can save is essential to keep me working effectively and efficiently, especially if I want to be able to earn a living out there.

I very much live by a place for everything and everything in it's place. Having things close to hand saves a lot of time rather than getting frustrated trying to find something.

When I stumbled upon these battery clips the other day I thought they were a great idea and woujld work well with my ethos. I hate my spare batteries being chucked in a tool box or a drawer and with seven batteries I need to know each one is charged before I take it to a job.

I currently run a cordless set of tools using the Makita LXT LI-Ion 18v range so these clips were to fit these and this blog post is only about these - although they do them for most of the big brands of tools.

The mounts were £15.99 for 5, so not cheap but I thought if it saves one battery getting damaged then it'll be worth it. I can also make sure I rotate the batteries properly rather than just changing out one or two without realising it.

The clips are well made, from tough injection moulded black plastic (you can get other colours as well). They have three fixing holes and can either be mounted under a shelf or vertically on a wall. There is also a mounting guide supplied as well.

It took less than five minutes to fix them all up and I liked clipping the batteries in place. They click in nice and positively, you need to press the release button on the battery to remove them which is good. 

Spot the non genuine battery! I'm going to put that through it's paces and review that soon as well!

So although it's early days so far I'm really pleased with these mounts. My batteries are where I can see them and easy to rotate.

Worth the money if you have more than a few 18v batteries.

#### Stealth Mounts have not provided these for review. I purchased them with my own money. ####


  1. They are just to store the batteries? not to charge?
    My problem is I am running a combination of Porter Cable, Dewalt and Kobalt. So different batteries for each.

    1. Yeah just to store them. I purchased a 18v festool jigsaw last year, since then I've decided that it's far easier for me to have everything on the same battery platform. I'm going to stick with the 18v makita stuff for now, so will probably sell that festool saw. so with seven batteries this works great for me.


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