Sunday, 14 March 2021

52 Weeks Of Carving - Week 10 - Carved workbench Finished!

 So I managed to get drawer number 4 finished this week.

I went for exactly the same design as number three. I did this because I think that will look the best but also because to practice repetition is also really important., I want to be able to carve things that look the same. 

I'm still getting to grips with how many tools I end up using. No one who does any amount of carving would want all their tools to have the same handles! It can be hard enough to find the one you want as it is! 

With the forth drawer on and oiled I'm quite pleased with the over all look of the bench. 

It has that "busy" feel to it, with no area left untouched. 

And I know that maybe I shouldn't say it, but it makes me smile every time I go into the workshop. It's funny that when I posted about it on Twitter I had quite a few comments saying ti was too good to go in the workshop - I know this is meant as a complement, but I also want my workshop to be full of things I have made and put my heart and soul into. 

Anyway that's another job finished. Next week I'm going to look at carving sections of the middle drawer style again on a smaller board for another project I'm working on. I think sometimes to practice the same skill is what makes it sink in for me. 

What is everyone else working on?


  1. It makes your workbench look like some ancient (and oppulent) piece of furniture (colour aside).

    1. Thank you. As for the colour I'd rather keep things light on the workshop. I'm sure it will darken over time, especially as I've used linseed oil and will build up layers of it.

  2. I agree it's good enough to be in a house, but I understand your comment about smiling every time you enter your workshop, just because it's a work space, it does not have to be basic. I do agree with Tigger comment above.

    1. Thanks, yeah I probably spend more time in my workshop than the house somedays (awake anyway) so nice to get it to be a fun place to be.


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