Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Completed Curved Architrave (almost)

The underside now re-skimmed and the architrave filled and painted
The Plasterer, Justin, has now re-skimmed the curve under the architrave to a mirrow like finish and the woodwork has now had it's first coat of undercoat. So although it's not completely finished it gives a good idea of what the finished product will look like.

Justin the plasterer trying to show off the "guns" under the freshly coated arch

A near mirrow finish on the plasterwork sets the architrave off great, just a couple of coats of paint needed then it'll be finished.

Good feature for the room


  1. Wish I had a Carlsberg right now!

  2. That is so pretty . . . and I love how thick it is. Are your walls that thick, or are there built-ins on the other side.

    I was going to say Happy Thanksgiving, but you don't have Thanksgiving do you? So, happy weekend.
    Connie :)

    1. The walls are this thick in this house. It's a pretty old property and most of the walls are stone and about 2ft thick.
      No Thanksgiving here (or independance day!) but hope you enjoy yours - A turkey dinner is always good!


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