Sunday, 26 January 2014

Re-felting A Roof

Roofing in the rain is never much fun.
Luckily there's been a good team of us working on this roof and it's made the wet days go that little bit faster.
 The last couple of weeks we've been systematically stripping and re roofing a large roof in the village I grew up in. The house is a lovely old place, full of character and that character extends up into the roof!
The previous roofers (back in the '70s I'd guess) laid the felt over the battens - not your usual approach! All in all though the roof wasn't in a terrible state, we've had to add new valley boards to each valley and replace or repair a few rafters on each section of the roof before adding new felt and battens.
We've also been splicing the old fascia board and making new fancy barge board. It should all look pretty good when it's done.


  1. Roofing is bloody hard work...its really a young man's work. never much cared for it.

  2. I agree with you but one guy I'm working with is 70 and managing fine! Hope I'm not up there at that age!


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