Tuesday, 29 March 2011

New Axes

When my brother got his Gransfors Burks carving axe I decided there and then I wanted an axe made by this company, so when he and my sister asked what I wanted for my birthday I hinted towards this (as a present from them both as they are expensive). When I received it this weekend I wasn't disappointed. Not only had I got the Gransfor large forest axe but my brother had restored an old axe, making a handle the same shape as his carving axe and sharpening it up nicely. I need to put them both into use now and make something (or chop something down!), I quickly used the forest axe on Sunday to chop off a few branches from a tree in the garden and it's really well balanced and so so sharp - I just hope I can keep it that way!

Thanks Dave and Em!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy them I hope they bring you years of pleasure using them. I have a wetterlings hunters axe and use it for roughing out spoons. Happy birthday.


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