Sunday, 24 June 2012

Little Roof In A Garden

Garden sheds are normally a flat pack flimsy peace of rubbish, so it's nice when someone wants one built properly, like how a garden shed would have been built on a large estate a hundred years ago.
This one it built out of brick and block and I'm fitting a proper roof to it, the same as if it was a roof on a house.
Nailing the rafters on
It didn't take long to work out the cuts and lengths on the rafters and with only 8 on each side it wasn't a massive job. It was made a little bit more difficult by how the bricklayer had left it but I'm not one to moan.

Working off ladders is never ideal

I'll cut the overhang on the rafters afterwards

Nice, tidy birdsmouth (or I think so)
In doing this it enables the bricklayer to build up the gables, then I can come back and finish off the rest of the roof, I'll probably end up tiling it as well. The roof will still need some bracing and ceiling collars when I come back (like I siad this is a proper little roof).
Not how I spend every Sunday morning!


  1. I’ve been a follower on your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation

    1. Thanks for your comment Covnitkerpr1. I've been and looked at your blog a couple of times and although it looked interesting, as a rule I don't follow religious blogs. I hope this doesn't offend you.
      Thank you for following my blog though.

  2. Great blog, thats exactly how I would like mine and my famillies life to be in a few years. I wish I had your skills.

  3. Hi Kev,

    I came across your blog tonight, which looks great and I will be scouring for ideas, as I try to work out if the playhouse I am building my son will take the weight of the concrete interlocking tiles I just bought of ebay.
    You can see the frame work here
    Its made of recycled pallets, and hardwood window frames. I have added a ridge board, which is a 2.4m decking board and have some 10cm by 2.5cm sound timber reclaimed from an old outbuilding that I intend to make rafters from.
    I intend to space them at 45cm centres with a birdsmouth on the wall plate and the ridge beam is also supported at each end by 8cm by 4cm uprights which are a very hard wood. I have also fixed some new c16 timber from the front wall plate to the back to stop the walls spreading, these are also fixed to the uprights the ridge beam sits on.
    Everything is screwed together, not nailed.
    My plan was then to add 25mm by 38mm battens on the rafters then fixed the tiles to that.
    But I am bit concerened they will be too heavy for the srtucture and it might be unsafe.
    I know its hard to give a view, but what do you think, form looking at the picture, do you think it would hold the weight of concrete tiles? they are about 50kg per square meter, and the each side of the roof is 2 square meters, so there would be about 200kg up there..
    Thanks for any assistance you can give.

    1. Like you said it's tricky not seeing it in person, but I thnk I'd use bigger rafters than that (as 100mm x 25 is only 4"x1") Go for a timber a little bit thicker (50mm minimum instead or 25mm) and it will also make building it a bit easier as your have more to fix your battens to. With the weight of the tiles I'd also add in some ceiling collars contected to each pair of rafters. That way they form a triangle which is great for strenght. As for knowing if it's strong enough your have to use your judgement on that one, but please make sure it is before your little lad plays in it! When your putting the tiles on you should be able to get up on there and nothing move.
      Hope this helps

    2. 200kgs does sound quite a bit of weight though. Couldn;t you use an alternative for the roof covering like oduline or felf on plywood?

  4. Hello, Love your blog, and your work looks great.
    Do you have any more pictures of this roof? i am working on a playhouse for my son, it made of recyled bts and peices:
    I am looking for some tips for the roof, I am considering tiles, but not sure if the structure is up to the weight, or possibly cedar shingles.

  5. Hi Kev,
    Thanks for the reply, I posted again as I thought the first comment hadn't gone through and I didn't have time to write it all out again!

    I think I am going to go for cedar shakes on the roof, If I am second guessing the strength now I will probably never be completely comfortable, unless I went for very much heavier timber, which would defeat my original idea of trying to use everything I have been hoarding over the past 5 years!
    I will have to get the shakes new, but that will largely be the only cost so won't be too bad.
    I will send you a linke to the finished article.


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