Sunday 23 January 2011

Mobile Workshop

I've gone mobile!
I've decided that the best way to use the space I've got in my workshop is to make everything move.
My planner-thicknesser already had a mobile base that I brought for it years ago, it works really well. I can tuck it in a corner when not in use (or under the mitre saw work bench I made the other day which still needs a top).
So I decided to go the next step and buy 2 more Axminster mobile bases for my morticer and bandsaw, this way I can push them up to the wall when not in use and have the middle area for assembly of larger projects when needed. I've been working on a large gate/outside door this weekend and so far having these machines mobile has been great (I think it will encourage me to keep the floor well swept so they move easily - not a bad thing).
Now if I could just sort out an extraction system better than a tub and a shovel...


  1. May be you should consider a mobile dust extractor that you could use as a big vacuum cleaner. Co blog by the way.

  2. Cheers Geoff,
    The website you suggested has got some good extractors on it - I feel a bit guilty though as I've already got a wall mounted one - I just haven't got round to setting it up yet! I need to buy some pipes and flexable hose. I suppose I've only got myself to blame for my lungs being full of dust!
    Your blog is interesting, what a different way of life you have down there! It must be great to live with so much space around you.


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