Sunday, 10 April 2011

A Trip To Yandles

My little brother and I went down to Devon yesterday to visit the woodworking show at Yandles. We both had a really good day, although the tools were more aimed at the type of woodwork I do rather than the green woodwork my brother is into.

That said brother brought a gorgeous hand made travisher (I've no doubt it will be on his blog soon - David Alviti Rustic Creations), where as I brought some High Speed Steel to make some turning tools, ferrules for making new handles, a pair of folding trestles to go in the van, a small microplane so I can try barley twists at some point and a selection of turning blanks so I can practice making some more bowls.

There was a lot of people demonstrating, and it was interesting talking to different people, one that really interested me was a man hewing oak in the traditional way with an axe. I was impressed by how flat, straight and square he managed to get it, although it didn't look like easy work in yesterdays heat!
Back in my workshop I've just started to make a platter/shallow bowl out of a piece of alder burr I've had kicking round for years and considering how many knots are in it it seems to be turning quite easy at the moment. Now the evenings are getting lighter I need to spend more time down the shed, but sometimes its the last thing you want to do when you've been on site all day!


  1. That platter/bowl will look nice once the finish goes on!

  2. Fine looking bowl in your chuck there mate,your day out looked interesting. Sunny weekend up here too . Brian


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