Sunday, 7 November 2010

A New Blog

Well its almost a year today that I lost my big job in the city and although its taken me a long time to truly come to terms with it, I think that ultimately I'm happier as a carpenter rather than a manager (although I get tempted by job security and salaries).
Having been in management for three years you start to loose touch with what you can create with your hands. The simple pleasure of going to bed and being physically tired rather than being stressed mentally and having a nights restless sleep. Five years previous to this I was a happy chippy working in the countryside enjoying what I did.
I did enjoy being a manager most of the time and the responsibilities that came with it, but I also enjoy the simple thank you of a job well done.
If I stay as a carpenter then this blog will document my quest to become the best craftsman I can possibly be. My work will be site based carpentry, small joinery projects in my workshop and as I improve with my wood turning I'd like to include this more into the way that I earn my living.
At 27 I've got a lot to learn, but if I didn't then I think it would be quite boring...

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